‘Magic Monday’
What a fun filled day we had!
The children came to nursery in their Halloween costumes. We carved pumpkins, made potions and spooky slime.
‘Magic Monday’
What a fun filled day we had!
The children came to nursery in their Halloween costumes. We carved pumpkins, made potions and spooky slime.
The children have taken an interest in measuring each other, creating our very own pictures to place on our height chart. We have spoken about who is the tallest and who is the shortest. We are looking forward to seeing how much we grow over half term.
The children worked very hard cutting vegetables ready for our harvest soup. Some of them were very tricky but we tried extremely hard to carefully cut them into small pieces. We listened to instructions and tried making different shapes whilst cutting – the carrots were circles and we cut the onion into small squares. We even tasted some of the vegetables. Did you taste our soup?
We then sang some Harvest songs for our grown ups!
“Making mental health and well being for all a global priority.”
Some of the children have been writing messages and making biscuits for the people they love most.
As it was Mental Health Awareness Day on Monday , the children in Blue Group have been trying to make our friends happy, giving extra cuddles and being encouraged to share toys. We made faces using natural found resources and talked about feelings.
“The rain makes me sad, I cant play outside when it rains”
“Prince makes me happy”
“My sister makes me happy”
We made heart shaped biscuits to give to someone special, we had lavender oil in the water and blew bubbles to calming music.
These are all activities that we do regularly in Blue Group and that can be done at home too.
In Blue Group we have been baking banana muffins, this is the first time we have baked since returning or starting nursery!
We chopped the bananas with a knife and then mashed them with a masher. We added flour, sugar, butter, egg (substitute), milk and added raisins as an extra. We had to mix the ingredients together and spoon it into a muffin tin.
Blue Group you all listened so well to the instructions given, your chopping skills with the knives was very impressive. Why don’t you and your grown ups have a try making some muffins at home.
The children have been helping to make some fruit scones at nursery this week.
We had to follow the instructions in the recipe book and work together as a team.
The children took turns to measure the different ingredients and mix it together.
They had to use the rolling pin and cutter to make their own scone.
Our scones were really tasty when they came out the oven!
Purple Group have enjoyed reading “Hello Is That Grandma”
We have learnt about all the characters. We even made a trifle like Grandma!
Blue group have been showing a huge interest in our nursery’s Giant African land snails and finding worms in our garden.
We have been very caring when handling the snails and worms, commenting on the size, how they feel and naming them.
Our snails are called Stanley, Elsa and Pizza.